Friday, September 19, 2008

Feeling a little squirrelly

Typically I reserve my Charlie stories for my other all-about-dog blog, but this will inevitably be more of a rant than a story. Ever since we got the pup I have spent more time walking around my neighborhood then I ever have before, every morning we go for a 30 min trek around the neighborhood at about 7am when the only other people around are insane joggers and other apartment dwelling dog owners like ourselves. In the past week, however, I have observed one other group of early rising residents in our neighborhood: a gang of squirrels. And by gang, I don't mean a "grouping" of squirrels, I literally mean a territorial, finger-snapping, tight jeans-wearing, Sharks-hating, angry at the world kind of gang. 

These bushy-tailed rodents seem to be steadily growing in numbers, intent on taking over the entire south side of Santa Monica. They may seem like cute, harmless little creatures at first, but don't let their tiny twitching noses and big brown eyes fool you, they are anything but cute and harmless. Charlie of course being excited by anything that moves, spies them out climbing trees and zipping across streets and on the few occasions that he has gotten a closer view, not only have they not been afraid of him they have basically lunged at him, teeth-bared, fists at the ready. Not only are these furry fiends territorial scavengers, but like any organized crime ring worth its name in spit, they have apparently managed to strong arm some unsuspecting morons into leaving them breadcrumbs and peanuts on the corner of 6th and Ocean Park. My only advice if you happen to be unlucky enough to cross paths with the "squirrel squad": run. 

And for the love of Pete, don't frickin feed them.

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