Monday, September 8, 2008

Growing a tastier tomato

After reading this blog entry on kung fu grippe all I can think is Merlin Mann has finally put into words what I find so overwhelming about the blogging-social-networking-text-messaging-celebrity-obsessed-15-minute society we seem to be living in, but haven't been able to articulate quite clearly myself. I was weary of starting this very blog because of this empty nothingness that we seem to be filling our lives with, and while I certainly can't guarantee that every entry I type will have profound meaning (see not one but two postings on 90210) I do feel, as I do with all my writing, an overwhelming sense to make it better and to avoid commentary for the sake of commentary. This self-editing can sometimes come at the cost of a more off-the-cuff, free-flowing style of writing (and communicating on a whole) and while I don't believe every little word we write should be scrutinized and over-analyzed, I do believe we should put at least some amount of thought into what we are saying and why we are saying it.

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