Monday, September 15, 2008

God bless Steve Jobs

After a year and a half of anxiously awaiting my Sprint "all-crap-network" contract to expire I have finally broken free of the oppressive bonds of dysfunctional cellular service and jumped head first into the warm loving arms of AT&T and iPhone. The husband and I went to Best Buy Saturday morning and were lucky enough to score the very last two 8G iPhone's. Contrary to everything I've read the process couldn't have been simpler, in fact the only snag we hit was having to call Sprint to get our account pin codes, which of course was a hair-tearing endeavor as always, proving once and for all what a useless, disorganized corporation they are indeed. 

Blessed devices in hand, we proceeded to spend the rest of the weekend glued to them, mesmerized by each enthralling function, blurting out the occasional, "That is so frickin awesome!" Just to give you an idea of how technologically, telephonically deprived I have been, I need only explain that beyond the various intricacies that make the iPhone so remarkable, I was equally giddy over being able to take pictures with my phone, (a function that the masses have had access to for years but I have sadly only just been made privy to now) as I was over the touch-technology. I still have yet to sift through the thousands of apps, but my favorite hands down, so far is: Shazam. With the aid of this nifty app, I will never have to rack my brain again wondering the name of a song title or artist, simply hold the iPhone to the music and within seconds it will tell you the artist and track name. Technology is truly remarkable.

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