Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Dear Diary...

Dr. Gupta says keep a journal of what you eat so that you can guilt yourself into losing weight and always know who ate the last cookie. All joking aside this method does work... to a point. Both my husband and I have lost weight by using a food diary and keeping track of not only what we eat but more specifically how many calories. The first three weeks or so we managed to stay on track but inevitably like any diet you start cheating, a brownie here, some chips there and by the time the day comes to an end and you are recounting your food tally you decide to take the moral low road and simply leave those indiscretions off the entry. Who does it hurt? Only yourself.

For old time's sake I present my food diary for yesterday:

4 raspberries
1 Quaker instant oatmeal Maple Brown Sugar flavor
1 large cup coffee with half and half and 1 spoon Sugar in the Raw
1 Yoplait Light Whipped Yogurt Mixed Berry flavor
1 Turkey sandwich on wheat bread with cheddar cheese, salami, pickles, mayo and mustard
1 Perrier
1 snack-sized bag Baked Cheetos
2 slices salami
4 slices pepperoni, sausage and mushroom pizza
3 hot wings
ranch dressing
1 glass 1% milk

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