Friday, August 15, 2008


As a new puppy owner I have been introduced to a whole new realm of responsibilities in the last few days, probably the most important and basic of which is the walk (bathroom break), and so I am shocked to find how little other dog owners take this simple task seriously. Having lived in Santa Monica for the last six years I am still amazed by how much pride residents take in this city, sometimes even to the point of smugness. From no smoking laws to green parking structures, there are a bevy implementations and resources to keep this city as spectacular as it can be and so it baffles me, as I walk my dog down my quiet Santa Monica street, that there is a ridiculous amount of dog poo on almost every patch grass in sight. For a city of residents that spend more money on their environmentally pc Priuses and organic coffee than they do on their rent-controlled apartments it is hard to believe that the average dog owner can't a afford a 5 cent, biodegradable plastic baggie to pick up there dog's business.

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