Tuesday, August 26, 2008

What's a button for?

Moveon.org is giving away a free Obama buttons, so of course I signed up to have one sent to me as I am sure millions of others have as well. Who doesn't love a free button? But it got me to wondering who actually wears buttons anymore? With the exception of grandmas and Applebees' employees, I can't say I have seen many button wearers of late. I mean sure I wore my fair share of novelty buttons pinned to my stonewashed denim jacket in the mid-80s, but who didn't? These days buttons aren't exactly the most coveted fashion accessory and so I have to wonder if passing out free buttons is really the best way to make a statement. I would like to think once mine arrives in 4-6 weeks (where are they coming from exactly, Timbuktu by way of paper airplane?!) that I would pin it proudly to my wool, two-button, grey blazer, but my guess is it will just make it's statement collecting dust amongst the chaos of my desk till election day.

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