Monday, August 25, 2008

Mad Men - Take Two

Finally got around to watching the first episode of Season 2 this weekend (much to catch up on with the Tivo after Olympics mania) and found it somewhat of a disappointment. While I was ecstatic that the Peggy/baby storyline was swept under the rug, hopefully never to appear again, I couldn't help but feel that overall the season premiere was very lackluster in comparison to the start of the previous season. It definitely accomplished setting the tone and possible sources of conflict for season 2, and establishing the time that has passed since the season finale, but if anything it seemed to focus too much on this setting up and very little on the here and now. I was hopping to jump right back into the fray of it but instead was just presented with a lot of dawdling. Hoping it will pick-up the pace as it moves forward and my fingers are crossed that this great series won't suffer the sophomore slump that so many others have.

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