Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A sad State of affairs

While I continue to feel overjoyed and proud over Obama's victory, I am saddened and quite frankly disgusted by what looks to be a victory on Prop 8 (although apparently Gloria Allred is getting ready to file suit citing the prop as unconstitutional, my fingers are crossed) not to mention the similar propositions in Arizona and Arkansas. 

To those of you intolerant, self-righteous assholes who voted yes on 8, all I can say is you should be ashamed of your completely unChristian actions. You claim the moral high road, yet I don't think you even know what true morals are. You act in the name of religion and yet your actions reflect a complete and total misunderstanding of the fundamentals your religions are based on. When you finally reach those pearly gates you seem to think you have won entry through, you'd better hope Peter doesn't ask you if you ever passed judgement on your fellow man. I wish you all bitter divorces.


Eric A said...

"I wish you all bitter divorces" ... Thanks for the good laugh! Much needed.

Greg said...

easy, big fella. eaaa-sy.