Monday, November 24, 2008

Vampire Weekend

I'm not talking about the band, although they are awesome. And no I'm not talking about Twilight either, but rather the less-discussed vampire fare of the weekend: the season finale of True Blood. From the opening credits to the last scream (of which there were many) I thought it was a fantastic end to a so far great new series. HBO has finally got some fresh blood in their line up --pun intended. I loved the way the season's mystery was tied up and the loose ends that were left hanging have me excited for the new season, which much to my surprise is less than a year away, shocking considering how few and far between HBO's seasons tend to be. I am grappling with the thought of diving in and reading the first Sookie Stackhouse book while I wait, my only fear is that it will either be better than the series --or worse-- or that it may reveal things that have not yet happened  on the show. If you haven't checked out this great series I highly recommend catching up when the DVD is released, well-worth the watch.

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