Monday, August 25, 2008

What makes a blog good?

What makes for a good blog? Merlin Mann explains.

As I find myself becoming more obsessed with blogging, I find that I also become more self-conscious about it. Although I doubt anyone beyond one or two polite friends even reads this blog, I can't help but wonder how my words are perceived. While blogging serves as an outlet for my thoughts, as a writer I can't help but want everything I write to be good enough to read, regardless if anyone is or not. 

If anyone is out there, feel free to comment.


Eric A said...

Actually, you bring up a good point. Once you develop any kind of readership, you become progressively more aware of your writing style, and even whether or not something you post is interesting enough to warrant publishing.

I'm still figuring out how confessional a blog should be. Sometimes, there's a desire to write about some substantial personal issues, but the very public nature of the whole thing can restrain you. Everyone from my parents, my ex, close friends, acquaintances, and total random strangers read mine. That makes it difficult to delicately censor oneself ...

Oh, and I read your blog :)

brookehatesblogging said...

This is the best new blog I have come across. I think your insights into the small things in life are dead on. You've found a way to put into words what I think, but in a more clever way. Keep it going!